Ownedcards.txt Tutorial
(Updated Version)



Steps to save the JSON response of the game postdata2023-08-12 11_54_06-Window.png

You need Edge, Firefox, or Chrome to load the game.
After starting the browser, navigate to the game and open the browser developer tools. It is browser dependent on how you reach them, but here are instructions to use them in Chrome. (statistically the most common browser)


  1. Pick the networking tool, and make sure "all" entries are being searched.

  2. Write into the filter field: api.php?message=init

  3. Right Click on the entry that appears

  4. Under the Copy context menu, choose the "copy response" option.

  5. Open a notepad (notepad.exe) and paste the text (ctrl+V)

  6. Finally, save to TUO program DATA folder as json.txt


Allowing Powsershell Script Execution

Microsoft documentation:

  1. Open Powershell with administrative permissions.

  2. Run the command: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
    That command will list your existing policy, by default it should be Restricted.

  3. Run the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
    That will allow our TUO themed ps1 files to execute.

  4. After you're done, for cyber security reasons...
    be sure to run the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted 

  5. Refer back to step 2 to ensure the default Restricted policy is enforced.

Script To Generate ownedcards.txt

What it does
It makes the ownedcards.txt in TUO format and creates currentdecks.txt with your current decks.
Powershell 2, or better (tested in Powershell 2 and 5, please feel free to report bugs)
TUO data folder with updated XML files
Proper json.txt in the data folder
How to install
Unzip the script into the TUO data folder
How to use
First save the JSON answer from the postdata (see the instructions before). After that rightclick on the script file, choose the "Run with Powershell" from the popup and wait until it makes the ownedcards.txt file. From currentdesks.txt you can copy the content to the customdecks.txt and use them from there.
The script now adds the "-1" ending to the first level cards and collects the formerly salvaged, now restorable cards as well. Thanks to madsam2 for the changes.
The current version of the script has autoupdate feature (for proxy support, edit the proxy section of the script).

Searching for Fusion Recipes

What it does
You can search for the fusion recipes of the cards you don't know.
Powershell 2, or better (tested in Powershell 2 and 5, please feel free to report bugs)
TUO data folder with updated XML files
How to install
Unzip the script into the TUO data folder.
How to use
Rightclick on the script file, choose the "Run with Powershell" from the popup and wait until you get the welcome screen. After that you have to give the exact name of the card you search for.